About Me

Megan Miks

My name is Megan and now that I am retired I split my time between Arizona, Alaska and Washington (because that’s where the grandchildren are!). When not visiting the kids, you’ll find me traveling with friends or my husband.

These days you’ll find me in Singapore where my husband is working. Lucky me, I get to explore someplace new!

I call myself a semi-adventurous traveler. I love a good adventure but you won’t find me spending weeks with just a backpack and a bus ticket. I try to be flexible and ready for the unexpected, but I also like knowing where I’ll be sleeping each night. I look for off-the-beaten-path activities but also check Trip Advisor for local reviews. I always travel with my camera, but I don’t carry 20 pounds of photo gear.

When I’m not traveling, I try to live a semi-adventurous life. Again, nothing too crazy… I’m not going to go skydiving anytime soon (or ever!). But I do like to get outside, try new things, and explore new places. 

I usually have my camera with me during my semi-adventures. Photography gives me joy in so many ways. The search for and discovery of the image appeals to my adventurous side. Camera settings and post-processing stretch my technical skills. Designing products and making artwork with my photographs provides me with a creative outlet.

In my shop, you’ll find home and travel accessories celebrating the semi-adventurous life. All the designs in the shop are created by me and start from a photograph I have taken. My shop is temporarily closed while I work on some new designs.